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Hiking in Switzerland after Corona

Hiking in the mountains - berggeist007  / 

While other parts of the world are still struggling to contain the Covid-19 outbreak, Switzerland is on it's way back to normality. While the lockdown in Switzerland never has been as severe as in other countries, being forced to slow down, stay at home a lot and reduce social contacts hasn't been an easy thing for many people. 

What saved many people from lockdown cabin fever was that there was never a general prohibition for outdoor activities. As long as you stuck to the safety recommendations it was perfectly fine to go for a walk in the forest with your family, ride your bike around Lake Zurich or hike one of the thousands of hiking trails in Switzerland. Definitely a smart decision!

Hiking in Switzerland after Corona

While you could always go hiking, it wasn't always easy or even possible to get to your desired hiking spot. Public transportation was limited and ALL mountain railways (including cable cars and chairlifts) had to close operations. This made it difficult toreach the alpine regions for hiking or mountain biking. Most people opted for recreation areas closer to their homes - luckily, there are plenty of those to choose from in Switzerland!

Starting this weekend, many mountain railways will retake their operations and start into their summer season. For example, the mountain railways of Arosa-Lenzerheide will open to the public on June 6th with reduced services which means cable cars and chairlifts as well as restaurants will be open on weekends. They will be implementing the Swiss Federal regulations and recommendations in regards to Coronavirus. In addition, they call on visitors to comply with social distancing rules and appeal to the personal responsibility of the guests to wear a mask if the distance cannot be maintained

Recommendations and Rules for Hiking after Corona

First and foremost hygiene and social distancing rules must be followed at all times! 
  • This means also that you should stay home if you feel unwell or have symptoms of any kind. 
  • While hiking keep the recommended distance of 2m between hikers. This also applies for rest stops. If you can't keep the distance, wear a mask.
  • Do not shake hands with your hiking partner.
  • Do not hike in large groups. Activities in groups of more than five people are still prohibited! Best hike alone or with people from your household.
  • Instead of eating at a restaurant, bring your own lunch.
  • If you're in one of the risk groups, avoid using public transportation to get to your hiking spot.
  • Avoid alpine tours for now as they carry higher risk of accidents.
  • Choose a hiking trail close to home. You can probably find one nearby on

Sources: for tips on hygiene while hiking
BAG for general hygiene rules



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