Name Tags - / On the website of the Federal Institute for Statistics of Switzerland you can access statistics for first names of the entire Swiss population. In a way, it is a Swiss hit parade of first names . At its top you'll find names which have been popular for a long time and were typically awarded to the baby boomer generation, for example, Daniel, Peter or Anna. In fact, the top 10 of these names are so widespread that I know at least one Swiss representative for each of them in real life. The 10 Most Common First Names in Switzerland As of 2016 , these were the most common first names for people living permanently in Switzerland. Many of these names are popular in all regions of Switzerland: Peter (also Pierre), Anna, Daniel, Daniela or Anna appear amongst the top names in all four regions of Switzerland. Most Common Names for Swiss Women: Maria Anna Ursula Ruth Elisabeth Sandra Monika Claudia Verena Nicole Most
tidbits of life in Switzerland