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Useful Links

Life in a foreign country can be tricky. Here is a collection of useful and interesting links for your life in Switzerland:

General info for expats and the like:
Getting organized:
  • The official website of the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation. 
  • Website of the Swiss Postal Services. Very expensive to send mail in Switzerland but if you have to send something anyway, this is your address!
Earning your money:
  • The best Swiss job search engine. Over 115'000 job ads!
  • The most popular online job market of Switzerland. Is available in English as well!
  • Lohnanalyse: The Independent salary database for Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
  • The website of the Swiss Railway Company offers a wide range of traveling information, online ticketing, train and bus schedules and special offers. Available in English!
  • Tips on how to save money using public transportation in Switzerland: How to Save Money on Public Transportation
Out and about:
  • If you feel like going on a trip and don't know where to go, this is the Website for you! Tons of great destinations including directions, prices, reservation functions and more!
  • Official site of Swiss Tourism Agency
Finding a home:
  • House hunting? This is your website! Over 180'000 real estate objects all over Switzerland at your choice!
  • One of the biggest supermarket chains of Switzerland. Also offers online shopping for groceries at!
  • Second largest supermarket chain of Switzerland. The website gives access to various online shops of Coop.
  • online cloth shopping at its best!
Newspapers, radio and television:
  • The online version of Switzerland's most popular free newspaper!
  • SRF: Main Swiss television and radio channel
  • Radio24 was the first non-state radio station in Switzerland. It broadcasts to the greater Zurich region for a younger audience.
  • Swiss news website
  • Betty Bossi is pretty much the Swiss Julia Child - with the slight difference that Betty Bossi never actually lived. However, the recipes on this website are awesome and will enrich your Swiss cooking experience!



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