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Why the Swiss Omelette isn't a Pancake

During lunch with friends, we started to discuss different kinds of food and drink that are similar but different. For example, Pepsi Coke and Coca Cola are similar in look and ingredients but many people find they are very different in taste. Another good example would be the German 'Krapfen' and the Jewish 'Sufganyah'. Both are round jelly doughnuts filled with jam but they're still not exactly the same thing.

At some point during this conversation, we also started talking about a Swiss dish that would fit well into this list: the Swiss Omelette. In a way, this omelette is quite similar to other omelettes prepared and eaten all over the world but at the same it's very different too.

What makes the Swiss Omelette different from other omelettes?

It is true that Americans and Brits also frequently prepare omelettes. Yet, their omelette is quite different from what we Swiss call an omelette. And although it can be eaten with sweet filling, a Swiss omelette is also very different from the French Crepes or American pancakes. All of these omelettes are tasty but preparation, ingredients and taste are unique to each one of them.

What makes Swiss omelettes special? First of all, Swiss omelettes are made with flour and not just with eggs like the American style breakfast omelette. Secondly, Swiss omelettes are much thicker and richer than French Crepes. And thirdly, Swiss omelettes are bigger than pancakes and are usually eaten for lunch or dinner instead of breakfast.

Obviously, the filling of the omelette is what makes it as tasty as it is. My favorite fillings are spinach with cream or mushroom with cream. Any kinds of vegetables with sauce are great too. Those who like it sweet may fill their omelette with chocolate sirup or jam.

Swiss Omelettes -

Recipe for Swiss Omelettes

If you'd like to try a Swiss Omelette, you can easily make some at home. I adapted this simple but great recipe for Swiss omelettes with ham and cream filling for you.


200 grams flour
1 tablespoon salt
4 eggs, whisked
200 ml milk
200 ml water
some butter


  1. Mix flour and salt
  2. Add eggs, milk and water
  3. Mix dough until it is smooth
  4. Let dough rest for 30 minutes
  5. Heat a skillet and add butter
  6. Pour dough into skillet and bake omelette; they should be thicker than French crèpes and larger than pancakes!
  7. Put on a plate, add filling and roll the omelettes.
  8. Serve warm.


1 small onion, chopped finely
2 tsp corn starch
300ml milk
100ml half and half cream
1 tsp bouillon
½ tbsp tomato puree
3 tbsp Swiss Cheese (e.g. Sbrinz, Emmental)
150g sliced ham, cut in squares
salt and pepper


  1. Steam the onion in butter
  2. Dissolve corn starch in a bit of milk, mix with cream and add to onion
  3. Bring to boil while stirring
  4. Add bouillon, tomato puree, cheese and ham.
  5. Season to taste.

Bon Appetite!

Swiss Milk Recipe for Omelettes



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