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Leaves are falling - Sergej Gerbersdorf / pixelio.de |
Just as in many other countries and regions with very distinct seasons of the year as there are in Switzerland, we have many Swiss German songs about spring, summer, fall and winter. Lots of them are actually children's songs and are being taught in kindergarten and schools here in Switzerland.
Since it's fall season, I'd like to share a song about fall in Switzerland. It's called "Jetzt falled d'Blettli wieder" which means "The Leaves Are Falling Again". It describes Swiss fall with all its facets, the leaves falling, the foggy days and the quiet of fall. Enjoy!
Jetzt falled d'Blettli wieder
Jetzt falled d'Blettli wieder (The leaves are falling again)
de Summer isch verbi (summer is over)
und d'Schwälbli flüged alli furt (the swallows are all flying away)
mer wüssed ned wohi. (we don't know where to)
Und leer sind alli Fälder (And empty are all the fields)
und d'Blüemli schlafed bald, (and the flowers will soon sleep)
und stillä wirds im ganze Land (and it'll be quiet in all the land)
und einsam staht de Wald. (and the forest will stand lonely)
Kein Summervogel tanzet (No butterfly will dance)
es isch so chalt und rau, (it's cold and rough)
und d'Sunne het en Schleier a (and the sun wears a veil)
vo Näbel dick und grau. (of fog thick and gray)
Adee du schöne Summer (Goodbye beautiful summer)
du söttisch nonid gah, (you shouldn't be leaving already)
wäntt übers Jahr dänn wieder chunnsch, (when you're coming again in a year)
dänn simmer alli froh. (we all will be happy)
Here is a version of the song on youtube:
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