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Sweet Spaghetti Called Vermicelles

Vermicelles in a glass
Fall is approaching fast and the leaves on the trees are starting to change colors already. While some may lament the passing of summer, there are still many fun things to do during Fall in Switzerland. Most of the time, the weather is still nice and warm enough so that on a sunny day you can sit on your balcony enjoy a hot cup of coffee and something sweet.

And what would be more suitable to this fall season in Switzerland than a typical Swiss dessert like Vermicelles?

What is Vermicelles?

Vermicelles is a Swiss speciality dessert. It originated in the southern part of Switzerland called Ticino but now is loved by Swiss people all over. Like the hot marroni sold on the streets during fall and winter in Switzerland, Vermicelles are made mainly from chestnuts, with butter, sugar and Kirsch added to the mixture.

Edible Chestnut - Reni  / 

Vermicelles is sold in most supermarkets in Switzerland. It normally comes in big chunks of dough or paste that then must be pressed through a perforated sheet to create about 15 cm long "worms" of Vermicelles. This is where the dish most likely got its name from, since in Latin "vermiculi" means "worms". Personally, I prefer to say that they look like brown spaghetti.

How is Vermicelles served?

Whether in a restaurant or at home, Vermicelles is usually served in the classic spaghetti-like form with whipped cream and mxeringues and usually comes with a candied cherry on top. It is also quite common to serve Vermicelles in the form of a little pie on a biscuit crust. Many people also like a scoop of vanilla ice cream with their Vermicelles, as it contrasts nicely with the chestnutty taste of the Vermicelles.

Yet, Vermicelles can not only be enjoyed in the classic "worm"-form but also in cakes, pastries or other desserts. For example, marble cakes with Vermicelles are a delicious treat. There aren't any recipes in English for Vermicelles treats but you if you understand German you can try these Vermicelles Rezepte.

If you cannot buy Vermicelles in your local supermarket, which is likely the case if you do not live in Switzerland, then you can try to make your own after this Vermicelles recipe. No guarantees though!



  1. Vermicelles are my favorite! No, scrap that: Anything made from chestnuts is my favorite, with vermicelles leading the pack ;-)

    They're one reason to look forward to fall, so thank you for giving us this interesting background information!


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